Student Handbook
The guidance you may need to help you to make the most of the opportunities on offer at ViVi – The Bear School
ViVi's Parent and Student Handbook
School policy and information for Parents Introduction Receiving a good full-time education will give your child the best possible start in life.
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Welcome to the ViVi – The Bear School Handbook! This comprehensive guide outlines all our important school policies and procedures. From academic excellence to extra-curricular activities, we strive to create a nurturing environment for our students. The partnership between parents/guardians and teachers plays a vital role in unlocking each child’s potential. For detailed information, explore our policies at the Central Office Teacher’s Center. Let’s embark on this exciting journey together!
Educating children for real life!
to enhance learning & develop skills in children through nature & play!
Communication between home and school is vital to a successful program. ViVi – The Bear School office communicates with parents in several ways:
- Telephone
Communication by parents should be:
- In person
- Via email
- Via telephone
The first point of contact is the front desk.
An appointment needs to be made via email to meet with the principal or any of the facilitators. However, the Admissions Officer and other administrators would be available on campus from 9:00 am – 2:00 pm.
The parent’s hotline is functional from 9:00 am to 4:00 pm.
Parent’s Hotline for Call: 021 34321118 /WhatsApp: 0306-Ask-ViVi (275-8484)
Facebook page:
Instagram profile:
*Response time for emails is a minimum of 24 working hours. In case of urgent or emergency messages, parents are required to call the hotline or communicate with the school in person.
Confidentiality: Confidentiality plays a vital role in promoting respect for every individual and fostering a strong community. Communication among the faculty and parents about children should be always kept confidential.
Confidentiality Waiver: Parents are required to share all confidential information (previous academic records, medical and psychological information), regarding the child with the school if applicable. This shall work in the best interest of your child as it will help the administration address any concerns throughout the year. The administration assures that confidentiality shall be maintained under all circumstances.
Health and Hygiene
Young children do not have the same kind of self-care skills for infections as adults. Also, they happen to be in very close contact with one another while they play. This information will assist you in making decisions about when to send your child to school if they are not feeling well.
A Fresh Cold – Continuous nasal discharge, cough, watery eyes which have developed within the past 24-48 hours are signs that the cold is considered contagious.
Fever – Must be fever-free for 24 hours before returning to school.
Vomiting / Diarrhea – Keep at home for 24 hours after symptoms have resolved and the child can keep food and fluids down.
Sore Throat – Must wait 24 hours after antibiotics have been administered.
Conjunctivitis – If a physician diagnoses conjunctivitis, your child should not return to school for at least 24 hours, till a doctor confirms the infection no longer contagious.
Head Lice – If head lice are detected, the parent shall be asked to come collect the student as soon as possible. Your child should remain at home until nit and lice-free, upon returning, the student shall be checked by a member of the school community.
Chickenpox – Must stay at home until the rash has crusted over and cleared.
Vaccination – A copy of your child’s vaccination record needs to be submitted to the administration.
Parents will be required to fill out a Health Update form, which will be included in the student’s personal file. Over the counter and prescription medications are given to children only if parents have given permission on the Health Update form. Parents will be contacted if a child becomes ill during the school day. In the event where parents cannot be reached, ViVi – The Bear School will take necessary and appropriate actions. Parents are asked to notify the school office should a student develop a communicable disease, serious injury, or acute illness. It is important that all phone numbers be kept up to date, so parents can be notified in case of an emergency.
Meal Plan
Students must bring lunch homemade/cooked meals to school. Junk food will not be allowed.
ViVi – The Bear School believes in equal opportunity & treatment. We do not allow any act which may highlight differences among the children. A plan within our ‘Chef Time’ is possible; where children together can bake or decorate a cake for the celebration. Please set a date with the facilitator one week in advance for the occasion. No party favors or goody bags are allowed for distribution.
Lost and Found
Lost and found items are kept in the administration office. Items found are kept at the front desk. Unclaimed items will periodically be given to charity.
At ViVi – The Bear School , homework is considered a cardinal part of the learning process though by homework we do not mean a burden on the students but an effort from the side of parents. Parents would be timely updated to follow decided routine for the ethical and moral nurturing of their kids.
Active parental engagement is encouraged in all areas of learning, especially efforts done by parents at home.
Field Trips
Field trips are an important enriching experience for our children. Information and permission slips will be sent home with your child, and you will be notified through an email and text message each time a field trip is planned.
To attend a field trip, your child will need a signed permission slip. The payment for the field trip will be charged in the fee bill if applicable. ViVi – The Bear School will arrange for the transportation. Facilitators and security staff will always accompany the students on outdoor trips.
ViVi – The Bear School interaction day
ViVi – The Bear School let the parents enjoy an open-door policy where parents can meet, greet, tour & be around whenever they feel like. Having that privilege; we also regularly arrange ViVi – The Bear School interaction day, where a detailed discussion over the child’s assessments, observation and further plans for the sessions take place, which ensures parents get a regular update on their child’s progress.
Parent Committees
ViVi – The Bear School will have parent committees so as to increase the quality of interaction, enabling positive communication and discussing any feedback or suggestions regarding any school related activities.
Subsequent sub-committees will also be formed with parents catering to various areas, which will include parking and a social subcommittee.
- Parking Representatives – Parking representatives’ volunteer in the mornings at drop off time for 30 minutes, twice a month to assist school with morning traffic.
- Social Representative – This parent body is responsible for organizing a social program once a term that involves parents, children and siblings. They will also recommend places for the annual educational school trip.
Drop off and Pick up
Please refer to the table below for drop off and pick up timings from Monday to Thursday.
Drop off time Pick up time cache for Play Group – Nursery 8:55am 12:00pm.
Drop off time Pick up time cache for Preparatory – Grade 3 8:55am 01:00pm.
Please refer to the table below for drop off and pick up timings for Friday.
Drop off time Pick up time cache 8:55am 12:00pm.
Never leave your child alone/unattended/unsupervised outside of the building. Do not leave any child unattended in a vehicle. It is important for all children to be picked up on time. It is upsetting to your child when he or she is unexpectedly late to be picked up. Parents are requested to dress appropriately when they come to drop off/pick up children.
Absences/Late Arrivals
If your child will need to leave school for part of a day, please send a note to inform the facilitator/front desk in advance. Extended absences for reasons other than illness or family emergency should be shared in advance with the administration. Absences from school for travel outside of school holidays are strongly discouraged due to their effect on a student’s school progress.
i) Absences
It is the parent’s responsibility to report each and every absence. Please call the school office, or inform via official Whatsapp before 8:00 am and provide the student’s name and grade level. Your call will be handled directly by office personnel. In order to obtain the best possible education, it is important that students attend class on a daily basis and arrive on time. Regular classroom participation is necessary to achieve the best possible learning situation for every student. This policy statement has been developed to encourage good attendance and to discourage tardiness. Our goal is to maximize every student’s opportunity to learn. Attendance is the responsibility of parents and students. A student must attend class regularly to receive a notable education. A student who is absent from school more than 4.5 days per quarter and whose absence has materially affected academic progress, may be retained at the discretion of the school administration
ii) Excused Absences
- Illness: A doctor’s/parent note/ application (hardcopy) of reason for absence is required for your student’s attendance file.
- Medical appointments or treatments: Will require a doctor’s note (hardcopy) for the student’s attendance file.
- Religious holidays: A parent note (hard copy) is required for the student’s attendance file
- Death: A parent note (hard copy) is required for the student’s attendance file.
- Personal or family emergency: A parent note (hard copy) is required for the student’s attendance file.
iii) Unexcused Absences
- Family vacations.
- Non-Medical appointments.
- Absence for any other reason that does not meet the criteria of an excused absence.
- A student who is absent from school without notice.
iv) Early Release
Parents are requested to schedule appointments after school hours to avoid the need for an early dismissal. If it becomes necessary for the student to be released from school for a doctor/dental appointment or other unavoidable emergencies, the following procedure should be followed:
- Parent/Guardian will need to send a handwritten note or send an email or WhatsApp message on the official WhatsApp of school (or call the school) that states the student’s first and last name, date and time of release, and the reason for the early dismissal.
- All students must be signed out by a parent/guardian (or someone designated by the parent/guardian on the emergency card) in the office before leaving the building.
- The written note/ email will be kept in the students attendance file
v) Tardiness
Being on time is a life skill important to each student’s future, and schools share the responsibility to teach the importance of this skill. Tardiness of individual students interrupts instructional time for all students. Promptness to class allows the teachers to begin the instruction on time for everyone. Tardiness to class is defined as not being physically in the room at 9:00 am.
- Three tardies is equal to 1 unexcused absence
- If tardiness continues withholding the admission from school will be at the discretion of the administration.
vi) Administrator’s Responsibilities
- To review the attendance of students and to contact parent/guardian when a student has excessive absences.
- To take appropriate steps, to insure that students attend school in a timely manner on a regular basis.
- 2 (two) absences: Parents will be notified of days absent and reminded of the need for regular attendance by letter or telephone.
- 5 (five) absences: A mandatory meeting with parents and principals will be held to develop an intervention plan regarding attendance. The intervention plan will be pro-active and problem solving in nature.
- 18 (eighteen) absences could result in a hold on the admission (4.5 per quarter).
vii) Unusual Circumstances
If there are any unusual circumstances at home, such as parents’ vacations/illness or death of a family member, please notify the school so that they can help your child adjust to the situation.
The same applies to a student’s absence or late arrival to school.
Your child’s wellbeing is of paramount importance to us. The measures taken are as follows:
- Parents are provided with 3 cards:
- Blue parent card, only to be with parents to enter the premises or pick/drop the child.
- Yellow pickup card, only to be handed over guardians by parents.
- Pink card to be hung daily with the child’s bag.
- All three cards have a similar ID number, which need to be aligned to pick up the child.
- Parents, and only those authorized via said cards are allowed to take the child home.
- Cameras are installed in the classrooms and overall campus for security, and are consistently monitored by our personnel.
- There are constant female housekeeping staff in attendance.
- Nobody with a weapon is allowed inside the premises. Armed guards, if authorized to pick up the child, must drop their weapon off outside the building. Guards accompanying students will be expected to wait in a designated waiting area.
For safety purposes, any non-school personnel – including parents – must report to the front desk upon arrival at the school.
If you have scheduled an appointment with a faculty member or are volunteering in the school, you are required to sign in and carry the ID card provided by school or a visitor’s badge available at the gate. Visitors are expected to submit a photo ID at the gate with the security personnel, which can be retrieved upon exit.
If you have an important message or something to deliver to your child during school hours, please leave it with the front desk manager who will ensure that it is delivered to your child.
Emergency Procedures
ViVi – The Bear School has developed a set of procedures to be followed in the case of an emergency. We have regular emergency drills. Students, parents, and teachers are asked to become familiar with the procedures. Emergency information regarding campus opening or closing is posted on the school Facebook page.
If an emergency situation occurs in the city, students will be kept at school until safe transport or pick up is possible for the parents. It is of utmost importance for the parents to keep the school informed of any change in address or phone numbers (work, home, cell phone, and emergency contact) in order to reach out to you in case of an emergency.
All ViVi – The Bear School students are required to wear the school uniform which can be purchased from the school.
- All students must wear the school uniform daily, purchased from the school.
- No fancy accessories allowed (watches, earrings, tops, etc.).
- Simple hairstyles; no extreme styles or colors.
- Nail polish and makeup are not permitted.
Children are supposed to wear comfortable joggers/sneakers or sports shoes. Slippers or sandals are not allowed.
- The school fee is charged monthly in advance, a month ahead.
- The school will charge annual miscellaneous charges. This will be charged at the beginning of every academic year.
- The fee needs to be paid in the school account mentioned in the fee challan directly through the mentioned bank and branch.
- The school holds the right to increase the monthly fee by 5-15% annually.
- In case of non-payment for 2 consecutive months the child’s admission would be kept on hold.
- Annual school kit is mandatory for every child. It must be bought at the school office. The kit includes a uniform, parents handbook, Oxford course set, yearly stationery, etc.
The school fee needs to be paid in the school account mentioned in the fee challan directly through the mentioned bank and branch.
At least two months’ notice in writing must be provided to ViVi – The Bear School for cancellation of enrolment. The student is liable to pay for the month in which the withdrawal is initiated, as well as for the following two months.
At least two months’ notice in writing must be provided to ViVi – The Bear School for cancellation of enrolment. The student is liable to pay for the month in which the withdrawal is initiated, as well as for the following two months.